Tips To Spring Clean Your Garage Like a Pro

It’s that time of year again: the days are getting longer, the weather’s getting warmer, and you’ve been overcome with the need to clean. What better place to start spring cleaning than the garage? Check out our helpful tips to declutter and organize the messiest of garages.
Psyche Yourself Up To Clean The Garage
It’s been on your to-do list for a long time, but finding the motivation to clean anything, let alone your depressing garage, is hard! But as the cleaning genius Marie Kondo says, “The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment.”
Your hard work will pay off with a happier, clutter-free garage, so stick with it.
Recruit Friends
But don’t tempt just anyone with free pizza and beer. Seek out the friends that mention organizational skills first on their resumes and consider cleaning to be an enjoyable activity. You don’t need to be bogged down with having to clean AND entertain. Make sure your friends will keep you on task, no matter how many boxes of old board games you come across.
Start Big
Cleaning out the garage isn’t a task to gently wade yourself into. You just need to dive on in. Your biggest impact is going to be made by getting rid of the largest items cluttering up your space. This is not the time to nurture your hoarding tendencies. Let go of your parent’s hand-me-down velour couch that you’ve been meaning to reupholster…for six years now.
According to Fortune, today’s cars are parked 95% of the time, and those are the vehicles we actually use. If you have a clunker collecting dust in your garage, go ahead and get rid of it. The same goes for the glorified spider-hiding-place you call a boat and the RV you spent money on ten years ago, but have only used twice.
The Small Stuff’s Important Too
The garage is traditionally the space we use when we need to store all the little items we don’t want in the house anymore, but can’t let go of.
We’re not asking you to throw away your old yearbooks, or things that have real meaning to you, but you know you’ve been holding on to that Tone Loc concert t-shirt for way too long.
Be like Princess Elsa, and let it go!
Ikea is Not Your Friend
We will allow you exactly two large, clear plastic tubs to put miscellaneous junk in and NO MORE! Do not listen to the Swedish organizing voice in the back of your head that thinks stackable pallets are a good and clean existence. Throw your trash away and keep as little stuff as possible.
Wow! Look how clean the garage is now, and you found that old toolkit you thought you lost! Good for you. Now that you’ve got that out of the way, you can concentrate on the house. Just remember to wipe the words, “I can just store this in the garage until I have my yard sale,” out of your vocabulary!