Stay Safe This Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is an important day here in the U.S. To celebrate declaring our freedom from Britain over 200 years ago, we spend the day barbecuing, eating s’ mores, and watching fireworks light up the sky. But, did you know that Independence Day is also one of the most dangerous days in America? From all the added traffic on the roads and other activities we only do once a year, it’s no surprise to us. Luckily, we’ve got tips here for you on how to stay safe this Fourth of July. Check them out below!
Safety On the Road
With so many more drivers heading out for holiday vacations, there’s bound to be more traffic jams and more traffic accidents.
Only hit the road when you’re fully rested and completely sober. Driving while under the influence is always a bad idea, and studies have found that driving while tired may be just as deadly.
Declare Your Independence from Your Old Car – Sell Your Car!
Stay focused on the road in front of you and the drivers around you. If you see someone else driving erratically, you should call 911 to alert the authorities.
And, if at all possible, try to avoid super congested areas during your trip. This will save you from headaches, and possibly an accident.
Safety with Fireworks
They’re as beautiful as they are dangerous, which makes it even more important that you know how to handle them properly.
The National Safety Council recommends, if fireworks are legal where you live, you only buy your fireworks from reputable stands and stores and that you check your state and city laws about setting off your own fireworks.
Also, be sure that an adult is supervising the fireworks at all times. They’re definitely not safe for the little ones! Having a bucket of water and a functioning hose nearby are other safety precautions that they recommend.
Or, you could always play it safe and find a firework showing in your area. That way you can sit back and enjoy them, without having to worry.
Safety with Pets
Fireworks and traveling aren’t just dangerous for humans, they can be a big ordeal for our furry friends, too!
Check out our tips on road tripping with your pets before hitting the road with them. Whether you’ll be gone just on a day trip, or for the rest of the summer, you’ll want to take all the necessary steps to make sure your pets have a good vacation, too!
If they’ll be around for your Fourth festivities, make sure to keep all beverages and human snacks out of their reach. From chocolate to grapes, to alcohol, there are all kinds of goodies that could make your pet very sick. The ASPCA also warns pet owners against putting sunscreen or bug spray on pets if it isn’t labeled for animal use.
Keep your pets away from fireworks. The loud noises bother their sensitive ears more than ours, and they can easily become very frightened. Some types of fireworks have toxins in them that even if they’re unlit could hurt your pet, so be very careful!
As much fun as it would be to have your cat or dog with you on Independence Day, it’s a much better idea to leave them in a safe, quiet space. Plus, they’ll be all the more excited to see you when you get back!
Do you have any other Fourth of July safety tips? Share them with us on Facebook!
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!
Remember, if you have an old car or a used car you no longer want, Declare your independence and sell your car!