Top 5 Traffic Laws You Should Know

There are many traffic laws that people aren’t too fond of and some really crazy driving laws as well. Many people hate certain speed limits, some hate the other minor ones. Some actually enjoy the laws because it keeps people and their driving under control. But here are the top 5 traffic laws you should know to ensure the safety of yourself and others!
Important Traffic Laws To Remember
Construction Signs – These are very important to understand and know. For many reasons also. These signs are normally orange or brown and typically alert arriving drivers that up ahead are road conditions that are unsafe to travel through. Now, once you have been alerted, driving through is no longer an accident according to some laws. You can easily avoid these by switching into the appropriate lane in time. Once you get pulled over, in most states, the ticket is more than a regular no-signal ticket.
Speed Limits – Yes, we are sure you know what this is and how important it is. However, you may not know how tricky they actually can be. Not on purpose, but sometimes the human eye misses things that are blended in or that don’t stand out. Officers are consistently also hiding out in different areas to catch the next lawbreaker, so always be aware of your surroundings and obey the law. When broken, this law puts many lives in danger if on the street with other drivers. If it’s just you, your life is at risk. Tickets for this law is pricey as it carries much weight.
Traffic Lights – Again, another obvious law that really needs no explanation. But what does need an explanation is how many times accidents occur due to the lack of sincerity taken into obeying the lights. Some drivers continue to go even after turning red, some go before it’s actually green. This is when dangerous driving eliminates safe driving. In other words, no matter how safe you are as a driver, there’s always a careless one. However, by you being the safe driver, you at least eliminate half the chance of that happening.
Car Signals – These are just as important as everything mentioned above. By law you are required to alert all drivers whether you are turning soon, merging, etc. Also, alerting drivers when your vehicle isn’t in the best condition is key. Hence the hazard lights. Use them. When these aren’t used, expect annoyed drivers, possible wrecks, tickets, and other penalties. It doesn’t take much, just do it.
Unwritten Traffic Laws – Most drivers understand the basic state by state laws and how to guide their trip through them. However, There are many laws when driving that aren’t legitimate laws that can get you penalized or fined. For instance, using your brights at unnecessary times. This is annoying to many drivers and is also a hazard to some. It can be too bright and can hinder a person’s vision to complete the task at hand. Don’t go too much below the speed limit. There are only three reasons people do this usually.
However, To be funny and annoy drivers behind them, because you aren’t able to drive well when going fast, or because you are too worried about getting a ticket. No matter what the case is, always try to go at least the speed limit to accommodate all drivers. If you are going too slow, officers may pull you over just to check the suspicious activity. You may not get a ticket, but it takes time out of your day and is embarrassing.
- Texting While Driving – This is an unwritten law which happens to be an actual law in most states. The reason we classify it as an unwritten law is due to the number of loopholes that come with it. Texting and driving laws are pretty straight to the point in terms of what the law states. ‘’Don’t text and drive’’. We’ve all heard the ‘’Click it or ticket’’ saying, etc. However, more and more people do it on a consistent basis. The only time to use your cell phone should be for hands-free calls or emergency texts. It makes sense why it’s illegal. You’re driving and your attention is elsewhere. Unsure of what the ltexting and driving laws are in your state?. Simply check out the texting and driving laws by the state.
- Not Driving After 2:00 AM – Another unwritten law that may not get you in any immediate trouble, but since you will be likely the only car on your road, the chances of you getting pulled over rise dramatically. Not because you’re the only driver, but because everything you do is now magnified. If you must drive at this hour, always obey the speed laws and traffic laws. One drives through that red light and it might be ticket time.
- Illegal Road Rage – The next unwritten rule is to always remain calm when behind the wheel. Regular general road rage can turn a traffic jam into a police and ems jam if not careful. Never let your emotions get the best of you in these times. One thing that helps me is to accept the current because I cannot change it at the present time. Don’t dwell on the past and wait patiently for the future.
Important Driving Laws to Obey
When driving at any point, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings and obey the written and unwritten traffic laws. It helps to make the roads a safer place. There are many rules when driving, however, remembering those main 5 at all times will help significantly over time. Not just from the legal aspect but also from your safety and health point of view. To put it into perspective, the least amount of reckless drivers there are on the road, the safer the roads actually are.
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