Best College Cities to Live Without a Car

With college acceptance letters (hopefully) flooding mailboxes at this time of year, many students are facing the tough decision of where to get their degree. While there are many factors that go into this big decision, one of the most important is your finances. One of the ways to save the most money is to find the best cities to live without a car.
One major expense that you can forgo is that of having a car. The team created this list of the best college cities to live without a car to help you find the right school to attend where no car is necessary, and some even ban students who live on campus from bringing one with them.
Check out the full list of universities that don’t allow students to bring cars and see if your dream school isn’t car friendly.

Washington D.C.
The U.S. capital is also home to Georgetown University, a campus that boasts that 0% of its students who live on campus brought cars with them to school. With the urban setting, getting around D.C. by using public transportation is easy breezy.

Madison, WI
Students who choose to become Badgers at the University of Wisconsin can also brag that 0% of their peers brought their cars. This is due to a university ban on issuing parking permits to anyone who lives less than one mile within the Madison city transit system.

Cambridge, MA
We admit, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology isn’t going to be on the top of everyone’s college application list, but if you have the passion and the grades to make it here, you can make it without a car. Parking passes at the prestigious MIT are only available for upperclassmen and graduate students, but the university discourages all students from bringing cars, due to limited parking.

New York City, NY
Unsurprisingly, since NYU is located in the heart of New York City, cars are scarce. The university itself does not even issue parking passes, making it a great choice if you are looking to go car-free during your undergrad years.

Baltimore, MD
Parking on campus for undergraduate students at Johns-Hopkins is currently unavailable. If you’re planning on attending this university, ditch your car and avoid the hassle of parking altogether!

Santa Cruz, CA
The home of the Banana Slugs has banned first and second year students from buying parking passes if they live on campus. This city is also one of the best college cities to live without a car because they also have strict parking restrictions on all the streets surrounding the University of California, Santa Cruz, making it necessary to purchase a parking pass if you are going to bring a vehicle to school with you.
Wherever you choose to sing your alma mater, be sure the culture, classes and atmosphere fit your ideal college experience, and when you’re ready to say goodbye to your old high school car, get an offer from to help you through the year.