How to Get Your Kids into Cars

Most people daydream about sharing their hobbies with their future children, and auto fanatics are no exception. But, what do you do when your son or daughter has zero interest in anything with wheels? Or how do you cultivate a love for motors while they’re still very young? We’ve got some expert tips on how to get your kids into cars for you today!
Start Small
One of the easiest and most subtle ways to get a child interested in anything is with toys. Whether it’s Matchbox cars, buildable models, or a ride-on that they can operate themselves, if you make it fun, they’re bound to be more interested! You’ll also have the great experience of bonding with your kid by pushing tiny cars over make believe streets on the carpet for an afternoon. And who wouldn’t cherish that memory?
Base It Off Other Interests
Think about what other things your little one is interested in. For example, if they like reading books, find some books about cars. If movies are more their thing, host a vehicular marathon. The car obsessions will be much more likely to stick if you can show them all the different ways they can get involved.
Get Them Involved
Most young kids are really interested in what their parents are doing, so take them with you when you’re doing anything car related. Especially if you’re doing anything under the hood. I don’t think there’s ever been a kid that didn’t love getting messy, so letting them help with changing the oil or fixing up your current project car will sure to be a huge hit!
Go on Field Trips
While reading about cars and watching car videos are fun, nothing beats going to see cool cars in person. Maybe there’s an automotive museum near you, or an upcoming car show, race or meet up. Nothing will excite them more than getting to see famous cars from movies or getting to hear the roar of an engine.
Do you have any other tips for getting your little ones interested in cars? Share them with us on Facebook!